Happy Earth Day Kids!

Happy Earth Day to you! Don’t worry about blowing out candles. Let the wind take care of it. Since we’ve given you a piece of our green minds throughout Earth Month, we’d rather you take the time to reflect on what we’ve been plummeting into your brain. So before I introduce the fabulous What is Missing? website that launched today, let’s take a moment to make some resolutions.

You agree to:

1. Take yourself away from it all and enjoy the peace Mother Nature provides.
2. Get off your ass and walk or ride your bike more.
3. Collect all the beer bottles you see and make a wall out of them.
4. Consider yourself trash the next time you walk by some and don’t pick it up.
5. Sit under, climb, and/or hug a tree.
6. Have a séance and ask Shel Silverstein what he thinks of deforestation.
7. Go reusable or go home and grab your reusable bag that you forgot.
8. Put down the Wii and play real sports.
9. Save octopuses and trees by using less ink and paper.
10. Listen to nature, not your iPod or your friend yakking about who cares what on the phone.
11. Kidnap children and make them play outside.
12. Monitor all tree trimmers and make sure they make trees look good enough for prom.
13. Turn yourself on, but turn off the lights.
14. Go barefoot and enjoy the grass or sand.
15. Change/clean the air filters in your house to make your home more energy efficient.
16. Open your windows! If you get cold, grab a hoodie. Hot? Get naked.
17. Use a clothesline and hang your clothes to dry.
18. Limit your shower time. You’ll still be clean, don’t worry.
19. Listen to John Denver and plant a tree to clear the air.
20. Go all natural and ditch the blow dryer and hair spray. You’re still beautiful.
21. Say no to plastic utensils, napkins and thousands of ketchup packets restaurants give you. You have them at home remember?
22. Screw ecstasy. Roll on grass.

Got it? Good. Now for the grand finale. I’ve been looking forward to the unveiling of What is Missing? all month after mentioning it in an earlier post. Lo and behold, here it is. Please, please, please, take the time to browse the site. Rarely do things make us stop and think in the midst of our hustle and bustle lives. We’re always on the go and have the attention span of a seahorse. What is Missing? needs your attention. It’s one of the most badass, fascinating websites I have seen. I can’t explain it. Check it out for yourself. Thank you and Happy 40th Earth Day! You be good to Mother Nature now, yah hear?


Filed under Hug a Tree, Jordan Sullivan, Straight Twisted, Think

3 responses to “Happy Earth Day Kids!

  1. wow. thank you. we’re feeling the love!

  2. Trixie

    Great post! I agree to all of the above, except for #20. Been there, done that, you would agree if you had my hair. 🙂

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